
8 Min Abs Workout Ft Larry Wheels | Follow Along

8 Min Abs Workout Ft Larry Wheels | Follow Along
  • PublishedAugust 23, 2024

Chris Heria and Larry Wheels have teamed up to create a potent 8-minute six pack workout routine that promises to get you shredded. This quick but intense routine combines the expertise of calisthenics and powerlifting to help you carve out those elusive abs.

First up, the workout begins with **Leg Raises**, performed on a bar or lying on the ground. This exercise targets the lower abs and demands core stability, setting a solid foundation for what’s to come.

Next, you’ll transition into **Hanging Knee Raises**. By concentrating on bringing your knees toward your chest, you’ll further engage the lower abs while slightly involving the upper abdominal muscles.

**Russian Twists** come in third, making sure your obliques are getting attention. Sit on the floor, lean back slightly, and twist your torso from side to side, holding a weight or just using your hands for resistance.

Following this, **Plank Variations** are added to build overall core strength. Start with a standard plank, then move into side planks, which emphasize the obliques more intensely.

**Bicycle Crunches** are next. Lying on your back, alternate bringing your elbow to the opposite knee in a pedaling motion, ensuring both the upper and lower abs are activated.

Then, move on to **V-Ups**, which are great for hitting both upper and lower abs simultaneously. Lie flat, then reach for your toes by lifting both your upper body and legs, forming a “V” shape.

Finally, end with **Flutter Kicks**. Lying on your back, keep your legs locked and flutter them up and down. This not only works the lower abs but also helps in endurance.

Throughout this routine, Chris and Larry emphasize maintaining proper form and technique to maximize each exercise’s effectiveness and minimize injury. The combination of their training philosophies offers a balanced approach to achieving a shredded six-pack.

Commit to this 8-minute workout consistently, and you’ll be on your way to a sculpted core.