
The Sick Teen Who Live-Streamed Her Sister's Death & Didn't Care

  • PublishedJanuary 24, 2023

The Sick Teen Who Live-Streamed Her Sister’s Death & Didn’t Care This is 18-year-old Obdulia Sanchez during her first preliminary hearing in court by video. She appears completely emotionless as the judge reads out the charges against her.

Judge: Do you understand the charges? Obdulia: A little bit

Judge: Do you have the funds to hire your own attorney?

Obdulia: No, I don’t” Judge: I’m gonna, I’m going to appoint a public defender ….”.

This was only a few days after an incident that shook the entire nation and blew up the internet. But Obdulia didn’t seem to care at all—even when it was her actions that had caused her own sister’s death.

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