
Britney Spears Needs Another Conservatorship Before It’s Too Late, Sources Say

Britney Spears Needs Another Conservatorship Before It’s Too Late, Sources Say
  • PublishedMay 21, 2024

According to sources close to Britney Spears, there is a pressing need for another conservatorship to be established before it is too late. These individuals have relayed alarming information to TMZ regarding the pop star’s current situation since the termination of her previous conservatorship. It has been reported that Spears is neglecting to take her prescribed medications, engaging in excessive alcohol consumption and drug use, and exhibiting severe mood swings that often escalate into physical violence.

Furthermore, sources have indicated that Spears frequently struggles to engage in rational conversations and has become increasingly dependent on her new boyfriend, Paul Soliz, who has a criminal history. An incident at the Chateau Marmont hotel in Los Angeles involving a heated altercation between the couple resulted in Spears being discovered in a distressed state, partially unclothed and shouting at bystanders. Additionally, reports suggest that a similar confrontation occurred in a Las Vegas hotel room, resulting in significant property damage that required Spears to incur substantial financial costs.

The concerning behavior exhibited by Spears has prompted individuals close to her to express fears for her safety and well-being if she continues along her current trajectory. They are advocating for the implementation of a new conservatorship in order to intervene and provide necessary support and guidance for Spears during this tumultuous period.